Friday, January 23, 2009

Congratulations Sis!

Woah, all of a sudden, my sister, (proudly) Ashley Faizah, got a call in the middle of looking for a house in Subang, saying that she is accepted to University of Tasmania, Australia (UTAS).
Oh Gohd. I am so happy for her. I was like, terkejut because it was last minute. She must be so happy now (aren't youuuuuu?) heheh.
I heard that Tasmania is beautifuuuul. It's an island! So now i can go around and brag, "my sister is studying in Tasmania." Hahaha..
Sorry it took time to congratulate, to go online is not easy for me (you know why, kak long).
Soo, study hard there and thanks! Now we have a reason to go to Australiaa. haha

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